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The MFL Teacher is the ‘one-stop shop’ for teachers of Modern Foreign Languages. Whether you are looking for advice, a quick idea or quality ready-to-use resources, you will find it with The MFL Teacher. Please visit our website for more information, including our blog and our Bright Ideas!




The MFL Teacher is the ‘one-stop shop’ for teachers of Modern Foreign Languages. Whether you are looking for advice, a quick idea or quality ready-to-use resources, you will find it with The MFL Teacher. Please visit our website for more information, including our blog and our Bright Ideas!
Random peer testing template

Random peer testing template

An idea from Rachel Hawkes – thank you, as always! Give the pupils phrases in TL or in English. They mill around the room, testing random pupils in the class. If the pupils they ask get the answer right, they write their name in one of the boxes underneath the phrase.
MFL progress tracker sheet

MFL progress tracker sheet

My students stick this into the front cover of their exercise books and use it to record summative assessment results each half-term, giving them an overview of their progress over the year. It’s in the shape of an arrow and, at the end of the arrow, they write their target grade/level. When they record their assessment results, they also have to write a few words to say what they will do to try to improve their result for the next assessment.
The Bigger Picture lesson plan

The Bigger Picture lesson plan

This one-page lesson plan allows you to have the long-term, medium-term and lesson plan all in one place, putting your plan into context. There’s space for the lesson details, including any homework and resources needed, a hyperlink to your seating plan, notes, students to note and a space for your evaluation.
Card sort templates

Card sort templates

Different shapes for card sorts (triangle, etc.) Fill in the vocab so that the English matches the target language when laid in a triangle like this. There is an example of this in the PPT.
Dice template to edit and cut out

Dice template to edit and cut out

Dice activities are fabulous! Use this template to add your own vocab/images for your activities, or allow students to add their own. Full instructions are in the notes section of the PPT.
Bomb timers

Bomb timers

The timers range from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. Instructions are in the notes section of the PPT.
Battleships template - Pairwork version

Battleships template - Pairwork version

Use this as a printout for students to complete pairwork on any given topic. Fill in the title bars for the pupils or get them to do this themselves. One pupil fills in the explosions and the other has to predict where they are by giving the phrase for the corresponding coordinates, e.g. “J’aime les sciences”.
Battleships template - Class version

Battleships template - Class version

This is an easy PPT template for you to adapt as you like. Change the side and top title bars, depending on the topic you’re doing. Click on the blue boxes to make them disappear to reveal (or not!) an explosion underneath. For variation, simply move the explosions to different squares.
Plenary dice-rolling pairwork

Plenary dice-rolling pairwork

In pairs, pupils roll a dice to carry out the plenary tasks you have entered on the slide. To make it more challenging, pupils must change one detail in the phrase.
Raise your hands text template

Raise your hands text template

Type words or a couple of words into each white box underneath the letters. This could be a text or a sequence of numbers, letters, etc. Get the pupils on their feet. As you read through each box, they should raise their Left, Right or Both hands appropriately. You could get them to read with you, get another pupil to read instead of you or maybe even read it increasingly quickly.
Non-predictive text codes

Non-predictive text codes

This is a great starter idea to practise new vocab. You will probably have to explain the concept of the letters on the number pads of phones. Use the grid to spell out words using numbers, instead of letters (e.g. 'B' is 22 and 'Y' is 999).
'Elevens' with phrases

'Elevens' with phrases

Choose eleven phrases. Pupils take it in turns in groups, or as a class, to say the phrases in order. If they say one phrase, the sequence of people speaking continues as normal. If a pupils says two phrases, the order changes direction so the person before them says the next phrase(s). If a pupils says three phrases, the next person is missed. This PPT allows you to display both the chosen phrases and a reminder of the instructions.
Blockbusters template for pairwork

Blockbusters template for pairwork

Template for Blockbusters pairwork. Students could either write in clues for their partner in each hexagon, or you could add your own. The aim is to get from one side of the board to the other by answering questions/clues. The other person must also try and block their opponent.
Snakes & Ladders template

Snakes & Ladders template

Pupils work in pairs. They test each other on a set list of vocabulary, shuffled up (maybe on cards). One pupil throws a dice and moves that many spaces. Whichever number they land on, their partner asks that question. Works in the same way as ‘Snakes & Ladders’!
Treasure Hunt template

Treasure Hunt template

This can be used in many different ways. For example, students play in teams. They choose a number in turns. Teacher reads out a word related to the topic and pupils have to translate it or maybe give a sentence with that word in it. If they are correct, reveal that number. They receive a point if there is ‘treasure’ under the number. There are 5 different templates here, as students may remember where the treasure is hidden! There are 5 different slides, so pupils can't learn where the treasure is!
Connect 4 pairwork template

Connect 4 pairwork template

Pupils work in pairs to get 4 in a row by giving one aspect from the y axis and one from the x axis. They must also try to block the other pupil. For example, if you’ve used personal pronouns and infinitives, they have to give ‘je regarde’ to get the corresponding square. Class version also available.